This project is not only for the coding bootcamp I'm currently in, but also to provide a tool to the Granblue Versus community that we have been lacking.
All data is currently from Dustloop, will be adding more up-to-date data in the future.
Data visual inspiration from FAT (Fullmeter).
Thank you for check out my website!
Frames: Mostly denoted as F (ex: 20F = 20 frames). Fighting games run at 60 frames per second, which helps us understand when you can or cannot press certain buttons in certain situations.
Guard Point: Where an attack hits. This is split into 4 categories: High, Mid, Low and Throw. Blocking Mid requires you to stand block, while blocking Low requiers you to crouch block.
Startup: The moves startup animations. These are the frames before the moves hitbox is out.
Active: The moves active frames. This is when your moves hitboxes are active.
Recovery: The moves recovery animations. These are the frames after your active frames, and when your character is most vulnerable especially if the recovery animations have extended hurtboxes.
Clash Level: Each move has a clash level tied to it, which is important to know when 2 moves collide into each other. Higher clash levels will beat lower ones.
Close: Close normals (Close Light, Medium, Heavy) are proximity normals that only come out when the opponent is close enough.
Reversal: Reversal moves are moves/specials with invincibility frames, meaning they cannot be interupted. Most uppercuts in the game have invincibility at the beginning of it, but tend to take awhile to recover leaving them open for a big punish.
Fireball: Hadoukens, or projectile moves.
UOH: Universal Overhead.
KD/HKD: Knockdown/Hard Knockdown.
SBA/SSBA HKD: T: Technical Input, S: Simple Input
Numpad Notation: Commonly used in anime fighting games, denotes directional inputs into numbers to quickly interpret motions or directions for certain moves. (Ex: 2H is crouching heavy, 236 is quarter circle forward (QCF)).